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(By alphabetical orders, *** means highly recommended)


English Only:

*** British Council  (many grammar, games, listen & watch, read & write, etc.)

*** English Test Store (many online grammar, listening, speaking, reading, vocab, etc. tests)


Maths Only:

*** 均一教育平台 (有小學到中學的中文數學,有教學 video 和網上練習)

Soin Education (a few exercises for P1 – F3)


Mixed Subjects:

*** 星島教育 (小學有 STEM, 通識,新聞和英文:時事文章閲讀,生字解釋和Q&A。但要答案好像要登記)(中學有通識,中文:文言文,語文自學,等, 英文 和 考試攻略 等等)

教圖「學習無限制 停課不停學」自學專網 (小學至高中, 中英數常歷史等都有少量練習)
– 新雅文化 (有少量中英數常練習下載,有答案的)
 Jump Start (worksheets, activities & resources for different grades and subjects)
*** Li Cheng Uk Gov’t Primary School (中,英,數(英文), 常, 每個年級都有十幾個網上練習.)
Mama Resources (小學中英數常, 科學, 普通話的練習都有些, 但只是2005年或之前的)
*** topick 小學試題 (小學中英數常的練習和試題都有)
*** Turtle Diary (has games, videos, quizzes, printable worksheets and coloring pages for English, Maths and Science, from K4-G5)